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A Different Perspective

“And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain.”‭‭ 2 Samuel‬ ‭23:4‬

The world, as a whole, is hurting right now. Feeling the emotions of those far and near is the heartbeat of each day. When one tries to carry these heavy burdens all on one’s own, weariness and exhaustion set in rather quickly. A person may even wonder, ”How is it even possible to continue in this manner of living?” Learning to have a different perspective is the answer to that question.

When one stops looking down and around and begins to look up, is the moment, in which, burdens are lifted. One can see the “grass springing out”, “the sun rising, even a morning without clouds”, and “clear shining after rain”. That is the focus shift that is needed for the world at this very time of heartache and worry. When one gives all thoughts and cares to the only one who can and has already bore them for us, we experience the grace of the one who gives hope for tomorrow!

Please reach out with any and all prayer requests at the bottom of the website as we would be delighted to pray for you! PURE GOLD encourages you with the strength and promise of our Savior, a hope for tomorrow, and “clear shining after rain”.


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