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A Stranger’s Eyes

“...clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:” Revelation‬ ‭10:1‬

Apparently, the human mind cannot create a face. To see a stranger in a dream or nightmare means one actually has seen that person, whether it be in passing at the store or somewhere else in one’s lifetime. That is quite strange, that the mind remembers faces, yet cannot create a “face” in a dream. This power of creation resides in the one true God who created you, who loves you, and who wants to grow in a relationship with you!

What if one could picture the face of the one who created and still creates all beings in the universe? Would one take the relationship more seriously day to day? Would one schedule time to spend with that person, face to face each and every day versus skipping some days because it was so hectic?

Why do people value the time and appointments with earthly beings and push aside the divine appointment each person has with the Lord God? One might believe it is because a person cannot see the physical face and person of God. But contrary to popular belief, let everyone look around and see the face of Christ. Look who is surrounding your every move, the sunshine peaking through the trees, the peace in sitting waterside, the beauty and strength of the mountains, or the intricate detail of a butterfly. Let each person cherish the time freely given to look upon and learn His face.

“I don’t want to look into a strangers eyes when I come into this place, Let me grow familiar with the lines, the lines upon your face” - Tenth Avenue North, I Confess


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