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Adapt to the Changes YOUR Body is Going Through

Have you ever heard the expression, “Just because everyone else is doing that, doesn’t mean you need to.” I thought you probably have! This applies to so many aspects in life but one of the most important is exercise and nutrition. There are a wide array of eating and exercise styles, it can be overwhelming to figure out which is best for you. But the ultimate way of figuring that out is by asking the question, “What is the healthiest option?”

When I was young, about 8 years old or so, I injured my lower back due to a playground accident. Growing up, I would experience some soreness or stiffness while playing sports but nothing major. Recently, a year ago to be exact, I finished a run and my back just began to get more stiff by the minute to where I could barely sit, stand, lay, walk, or any other movement without any pain. Come to find out I have a lot that happened due to that injury when I was a child. Over this last year I have spoken to several doctors, who have all had their own opinions and diagnoses, some clicked, and some didn’t. But with my faith in the Lord, He has led me to see that no treatment option I was given felt appropriate for me. Through this time of, lots of prayer, waiting, and not being able to move and exercise how I LOVE to. I have grown quite a bit in my faith and have learned a lot about my body through this event.

Now, I have gotten to the point to where I am able to exercise again, slowly adding different new exercises into the mix I continue to heal. I am praising the Lord for all He has brought me through. But I say all of that, to say, if I had not listened to my body when I was having pains or spasms I could have put myself at risk even further than what was already occurring and causing my pain and discomfort through what he doctors were suggesting. I stopped and I listened to what hurt and what did not. I didn’t push myself, and I have given myself time to recover if I do aggravate it. I kept having the inner turmoil of, “I’m young, I should be able to run, lift, and play sports like I used to because everyone else can.” But that is not my story right now. I have faith that one day, that could be possible again, but not at the current time. So in that, I have found what I can do for MY body, based on my body’s needs. And that is the approach we all should have. Just because it works for someone else, does NOT mean it is meant for us. We have to adapt to how our bodies change to continue in a healthy lifestyle consisting of exercise even through injuries.

Same goes with nutrition. Based on your individual needs, you must fuel your body accordingly. Avoiding toxins and other chemicals often put into foods to provide a certain taste or calorie/nutrient deficit, is crucial. Nothing is more important than true health, even if that means achieving that goal at a slower pace. Going about it in an unhealthy manner with severe dieting or increasing/decreasing certain nutrients that could potentially cause other problems, etc, is never the answer! And those tactics will never provide the long lasting results one is seeking either! I encourage you to go through your pantry and observe some ingredients listed in your favorite food items. It can be a scary sight if you aren’t aware of what you, your children, and family are consuming, daily. Adapt to the changes thrown at you and learn how to overcome them with the way your body feels. If something isn’t right, switch it up! That’s the beauty of health, you have the freedom to do that.

As we continue to adapt our training and nutrition regime to the body’s current state, don’t be afraid to stand alone. You don’t have to follow the trends just because it’s the newest thing to do. Again, do your research, ask PURE GOLD about it, if you need guidance, and you can even run things by your doctor for further guidance. I was once told, by a very special friend in my life, “No one knows your body better than you. Listen to your body and what it is telling you.” Be confident in your health by doing what is best for you!


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