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Dream Machine

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21

To have the mind of a child dreaming is something adults should truly live daily. Why would one not trust the only one who "is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in US." This is where we, as humans, fall short. We simply do not trust and have faith enough to push past our insecurities that will allow the Lord to work in us to accomplish our wildest and craziest dreams. That last word in the quoted section of the verse above, us, is what blows my mind. The fact the creator of the universe has faith in me, so much so, that he would allow me to do above and beyond what I ever ask or dream of. When adults think about their dreams, oftentimes we don't think it is ever possible or that we even have a shot to get them in motion, let alone attain the goal. But children do not even think about the negative side of dreams. They simply think, "well, why not have a house built out of candy walls, or why can I not be a professional basketball player?" It is then, when the scared feelings, someone's negative words of discouragement, or the "what if's" set in, that those dreams don't seem realistic or so easy anymore. But why do we allow those few thoughts, outweigh the million positive thoughts we have had before that moment? Because we lack faith. Let the Lord's strength and ability to be your determining factor. If he places something in your heart and mind, he WILL give you what is needed to reach it! So there is no reason, not to chase that dream with all our hearts. Just remember, God is the one that deserves the credit, and "unto him be glory" we cannot do it alone or in our own strength but through the one that works in us.

Accomplish those goals, let the Lord do "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think" in YOU! Then, share that accomplishment with people. This is how the testimony will spread, the Lord will use other people because you gave them confidence since you followed your dream! Make a goal to be someone's courage! Make your plan to achieve PURE GOLD.


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