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Find your Version of Beauty

As Mother’s Day rolls around, beauty tends to emerge from the depths of a cold winter. An eruption of spring flowers, delicately designed cards, and other dainty items crowding the shelves and aisles always bring about joy, even if you are not a mom. These little aspects of a season remind me to pay attention to even the most minute details to a day that bring one’s heart happiness.

Happiness is a neglected term this day and time because most tend to think it has to be significant. Enjoying the little things are almost more inspiring than huge life events, in the long run. This could mean seeing your heart jump for joy when finally finishing a corner of the home that has needed decor for a while, nailing your nutrition plan and seeing the results, falling in love with that stunning tablescape one created, crushing your 1rm you’ve been fighting for week after week, or admiring beautiful landscaping that has come together as a refresh for your outdoor retreat.

Taking time to smell the roses is the whole goal and intent here. Stop rushing here and there and everywhere! If one takes a moment to breath in the fresh air and appreciate the God given blessings bestowed upon us, daily tasks and burdens don’t weigh as much anymore. These blessings are here for THIS PURPOSE, encouragement! Find your beauty and embrace the complete and total delight you find in the small things throughout the day.


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