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Fireside Chat

With Thanksgiving rounding the corner, Christmas close behind, and New Year celebrations in the near distance, one has a lot to consider with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The holiday party invites are rushing in and all that is on one’s mind is the worry. Worry about overeating, worry about being tempted by different foods or drinks, and worry about throwing away the oh so worked for the goal of HEALTH. Holiday shopping is only enjoyed with a sugar-filled coffee and sweet of choice, right? No! The United States of America has become the place with extra-large portions and obesity because of these musts people just "have" to partake in. Now, take a step back...let PURE GOLD encourage you in 5 tips and tricks on how to face the wonderful holiday season. Thrive and be successful in achieving your definition of PURE GOLD in health.

  1. Avoid Starvation. To put it simply, prepare. Take a minute to think in the morning rather than just before getting ready or rushing to the event. This precious time of thoughtful planning will create a much more successful lifestyle. One way to accomplish this is by allowing one to plan on eating a larger lunch to properly eliminate the feeling of starvation by the time one is surrounded by a plethora of tempting foods at the holiday party. A lunch filled with quality proteins, fruits, veggies, or whole grains is the way to put this into action with larger portions than normal. Then once arrived at the event, munching on smaller portions and avoiding abundant extra, non-nutrient dense, options. Maybe one is going Christmas shopping and trying to avoid the sugary beverage or sweet shop right next to your favorite store. Bring along a healthy snack of choice, or visit our GROW page to speak with a Mentor on how to order your cherished beverage in place of added/artificial sugars or other undesirable ingredients.

  2. Drink Plenty of Water. Water is a great tool to curb appetite by avoiding temptations by removing hunger pangs. Dehydration is another cause of hunger that one may struggle with due to creating that never-ending feeling of wanting to eat. Infusing the water with fruit is a great way to create an added taste often desired or drink sparkling water infused with natural fruit extracts is a wonderful alternative too.

  3. Intake High Fiber and High Water Content Vegetables. Fiber helps move solids through the body's system, but more importantly, creates the feeling of being full more quickly. Leafy greens create more satiety than other vegetables as they have a high fiber count but also are a negative calorie food (the body burns more calories processing than they are worth). Broccoli, cucumbers, and cauliflower are just a few great sources of water content. High water content, alongside fiber, will create the same feeling of fullness.

  4. Substitute Good Foods for Cravings. The holidays are known for their temptations of savory starches and indulgent sweets. What one can focus on is leaning on vegetable substitutes instead of starches, such as cauliflower mash instead of mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes instead of corn, etc. The same goes for sweets, add fruit in to satisfy the sugar craving rather than reaching for another cookie or piece of the pie.

  5. Moderation. Anything in excess creates an overdose, so to speak. Although it seems like a simple concept, a lot of weight loss programs use the elimination mindset. This ultimately creates binging and a loss of progress. As we are not simply just talking about weight loss, but overall health, moderation is the key to achieving PURE GOLD in health regardless of one's specific needs or goals. For example, moderation is required even when consuming fruit, as even an abundance of natural sugars can result in too much sugar for the body. Don't push your limits and overindulge. Listening to your body on fullness and practicing moderation, in every aspect of FUELing the body, is truly important.

PURE GOLD hopes you enjoyed these five simple points for your liking to ensure the completion of PURE GOLD health conscientiousness this holiday season. Please visit our GROW page to grow with a certified mentor paired based on your unique goals and desires. Merry Thanksgiving, Happy Christmas, and a Cheerful New Year!


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