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Having a Healthy Family

Having a healthy family is something some think about from an overall health aspect, but oftentimes a lot of important aspects are missed. Health encompasses three major points that further break down into subcategories. To fully provide the healthiest lifestyle for your family one should be aware of things that the media, health influencers, and personal trainers don’t even touch on.


First and foremost, nutrition is at the top of the list every single time. Whether it be from a standpoint of weight loss, weight gain, health conditions, training, etc. nutrition is what fuels the results. For your family, one might think that as long as those veggies are eaten, you’re providing a healthy lifestyle. This is quite the contrary, if you are packing your family full of sodium, high fat, processed/modified/ enriched ingredients, dyes, or hidden sugars but eating veggies, the veggies can’t quite overcome the other qualities of the foods being eaten. We must be aware of what to look for, what to avoid, and what to actually put on the dinner table to support little growing bodies, the athlete, the business man/woman, etc. Whole fresh ingredients that have one single item on the ingredients lists is where we need to start. From there, picking through labels to find the best options with ingredients that you can pronounce and know what they are. Having healthy snacks such as fruit, nuts, low sugar yogurt, and other things of this nature are wonderful additions to quality dinners. Instilling or correcting the relationship one has with food is also a huge perspective to have as the healthy habits are being created or modified. Your PURE GOLD mentor can dig deeper with you on providing the perfect foundation that is doable with your crazy schedule yet still provides the nutrients your family needs.


Activity is the second best thing if it’s not tied for first. The new trend in the health wellness world is reporting that “Sitting is the new smoking”. This would be from a standpoint of long periods of time. Moving in any manner is truly so beneficial for the body. Whether it is incorporating a walk into your lunch break, standing at your desk, playing sports, or working out, any and all create such beautiful benefits for your body and mind. The kiddos especially will benefit as exercise helps them as well as women build stronger bones. Heart health is something put on the back burner until later in life, as well. The heart is a muscle, this is why cardiovascular fitness is an important aspect for all individuals. Get moving as a family to help each member build a physical fitness regimen and routine that will benefit every aspect of one’s wellbeing. Emotional/Mental

This third aspect of health truly defines the previous two. Mental health is a HUGE topic being thrown around the media, health industry, school systems, and everywhere else we turn too. PURE GOLD believes in whole health that establishes a sound mind. When solid nutrition and exercise is out in place, the mind is typically in a place that is a lot more level than it would be without one or the other, or both. Parents also play a role in this aspect of not allowing a child to form bad relationships with food or sports/exercise by not creating pressure, encouraging discipline, and being structured. Even as adults feel pushed into a weight loss program or workout regimen the results are just not as great compared to if the person is choosing to do those things on their own. PURE GOLD encourages one to not get hung up on the concept of “mental health” as there are a lot of conditions people are being told they have when in all actuality it is just an emotional curve of discouragement, sadness, trauma, etc and not actually something being wrong with you. Sometimes the label of something being “wrong” creates more mental health problems than the actual source. Emotions are the root cause of every mental health condition and once those are in check the body can learn to be and flow. There will always be ups and downs, sadness, trials, hardships, discouragement, etc. but giving the body what it needs in nutrition and exercise allows for a sound mind and thought process through those times. Allow the body to function the way it would like without all of these manmade modifications disrupting it.

With these three aspects being addressed on a daily basis, PURE GOLD believes that the family will greatly benefit and strive. Focus on health, even while running here and there, and everything will move smoothly. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and teach those little ones how to adapt by still choosing health. Setting the tone in your family, both big and small, with this mentality is truly life changing!


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