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Healthy on the Inside and Out

"Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty" – Coco Chanel

Not just with skincare or makeup, but everything we put on our bodies, whether it be a lotion, shampoo, nail polish, or makeup PURE GOLD believes that the body is affected on the inside by what we put on the outside. We wanted to give a few pointers on choosing the best Natural products that one can be confident in from the outside in! Being aware of the ingredients and products one is using, will also provide the ability to have that younger-looking skin, younger feeling body, and everything else one feels at 20 years old as well at 50 years old!

From Head to toe, learning the lingo that companies get away with, is important to avoid. This is one way ingredients are sneaked in that are actually dangerous or progressively harmful over time to one’s body and health. First and foremost, certified organic means that only a percentage of the ingredients have to be organic. This, one should be careful with, but it does provide more comfort than not using certified organic products. Second, just because the term "Cruelty-Free" or "Vegan" is used, does not mean it contains clean ingredients. A huge benefit of using natural products on the outside is that different sensitivities and allergens can be easily avoided, as well. These few pointers can greatly change the way one views what goes on and in the body. Remember, the head is the most absorptive part of the body. We use a lot of perfumes, lotions, etc. every day, so if ingredients are not pure then there are a lot of toxins pushed into the body. Below are a few more tips on things to keep in mind while looking over the products you use daily.

  1. Non-toxic is the term found to be most reliable in providing quality ingredients without toxins! Just to be safe, verify ingredients used as a company could potentially still sneak something in, but it is way less likely with this term than others!

  2. Always wash your face morning and night to remove any toxin build-up but also provide revival of the skin overnight.

  3. Spoiling your body with a complete skincare regimen that includes a toner, serum or treatment, and eye cream daily is something your skin will thank you for!

  4. Eat a clean, balanced diet to support the care we are providing on the outside, on the inside too.

  5. Working out and exercising allows the body to excrete toxin build up as well! So go get that sweat in go help clear your pores and mind at the same time!

  6. Take time to research what you are using, one can always improve versus continuing to harm the body in unknown ways. Check out this great brand that has explained what a lot of toxic ingredients do to our bodies and our health.

  7. Ask all of the questions you have, before purchasing! Any solid company would be more than happy to support you in providing confidence in what you are using on your body before investing financially. Some will even provide samples of products specifically suited to your needs before buying full sized products that might not work as well as others they could recommend.

  8. Salons, of any kind, can use a lot of harmful products. Research the natural, "non-toxic", nail salons or hair salons in your area before introducing harmful products to your body, especially when taking time to spoil yourself!

~ Enjoy exploring and transitioning to products one can be confident in. Achieving PURE GOLD is not just in the fuel provided inside from food, but from the outside too. Please feel free to reach out to our mentors with any questions regarding your current products, as well! We will guide in any way possible as we pride ourselves on the purity of knowledge given to our members. Embrace this adventure into natural self-care <3


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