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How Does the Lord View My Health?

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”

‭‭Mark‬ ‭16‬:‭15‬ ‭

What is the Christian's sole purpose of being on this earth? The Lord has us here to complete His mission, which is furthering His kingdom by leading many to come to know Him. This is called the great commission. What are the tools that the Lord has given us in order to complete this mission? One might say our different characteristics or personalities that play a role when talking with people. Another tool is, of course, God's word that we are to preach and learn from. But there is a bigger tool that God has given each of us that allows us to move and do what He would have us to. And this is our earthly bodies. In order to walk and talk to people to share the gospel, we need our bodies. Without our bodies, we are just a spirit. So with this in mind, what does the Bible say about the things the Lord gives each one of us, as His children? We are to be good stewards of our finances and other blessings given to us.

What is a steward? Steward means to manage or look after. So the Lord has blessed us with these things we are to manage and look after well. So if our bodies are the Lord's and He has given them to us for a short time on this earth to use them in furthering His kingdom, I can't help but reflect back to the one's health and what God must think of that aspect. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17:

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”


This really cleared things up for when I started to think about health and the importance of that. In the Old Testament when they would carry around the ark of the covenant and had the Holy of Holies in the temple both of which were the most sacred places of actual holy ground. The Holy Spirit dwelt there because of the way of salvation not being established yet. But now that we, as Christian's, have accepted the Lord as our Savior and have the Holy Spirit within us, our bodies are a temple. So this is even more of a reason to steward or manage our bodies well.

To sum up my thoughts, it just brought me full circle of seeing the importance of one's health in our Christian walk. Not just looking a certain way or being able to accomplish a certain fitness goal, it's way more than that in the eyes of God! Our health is a testimony of who we are in the Lord as we take care of the gift He has given us. How are we supposed to share the good news of salvation if we aren't equipping ourselves with good health? We might not be able to have the energy or stamina to do so amongst other aspects we might not be able to uphold that the Lord would love for us to do. Health is impactful in our faith, so going back to the verses I shared, which temple are ye? I would love to support you in any way to further improve your health and live out the plan God has for you by being a good steward of the body He has so graciously blessed you with.


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