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How Much Of My Time Does God Deserve?

You know, this is a lofty question that we tend to rationalize our way out of. Our human, selfish, and sinful nature kicks in and we think that this reason is acceptable or that reason, but is it really? We are talking about the God of the universe! The creator of this world, wants to spend time with ME, but am I willing to give Him the time He deserves?

Phones, computers, smart watches, tablets, etc. can be attached to us, literally and figuratively, in a way that we spend our free time with those things versus with our God. It's funny, these things even take away opportunities from our lives that God might want to use us in other people's lives. But we're too focused on the things of this world to where we don't see our need to stop, give God this current moment, and truly lean into His word and talking with Him in prayer.

How often are we rushed through our prayer time or Bible reading time that we might not have gotten what He wanted us to, due to time constraints? That answer is sad isn't it? God's own children can't give Him a few minutes of their day to fully abide in Him.

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.”

John‬ ‭15‬:‭4‬

We walk through the day asking the Lord to use us or work through us but how can we expect that if we don't abide in Him properly? The same goes for our health, how do we expect to see good health, if we don't put in the full effort that we should? It is up to us, in physical and spiritual health, to properly abide in the Lord to bear fruit. We wear the name of Christ so let us go about this day being confident in all that God will do because we are purposefully determined to give Him the time He deserves. Watch how the Lord, then, will grow you and those around us!


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