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How to Navigate the Holidays Without Throwing Away Your Hard Work

The holidays are always either viewed as all or nothing in the weight loss world, to an extent. One might view the Thanksgiving and Christmas season as too high of a mountain to climb and still come out with your progress or goals having been accomplished without any setbacks. But the thing is, progress is progress. So you can still make progress toward those goals instead of gaining weight through careless laziness. YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE! You need to choose if your goals are more important to you than two slices of pie or seconds of that glorious Thanksgiving dinner! It isn’t the season, it isn’t the circumstances, it isn’t the people making the meal, IT IS YOUR CHOICE! Don’t become a victim of anything. Yes, we can blame other things but there is absolutely nothing standing in your way this holiday season. Do you know why? Because you can be mindful, and plan! Planning and keeping track of what you're consuming or following your training regimen are the two most important things that influence success any time of the year, but especially through the temptations of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Planning. What can you control and what do you not have control over? That is the first question to address. If you are making food and hosting or if you’re an honored guest in someone’s home, you will have the ability to choose to exercise before the big meal and to at least eat a well-balanced and nutrient-dense breakfast if not lunch as well. Based on the timing of your “big” holiday meal whether it is lunch or dinner, make sure those other meals are quality, not high in calories, and filling by having good amounts of fiber and protein.

Tracking. Tracking goes hand in hand with planning. In order to plan the appropriate things, one must track and keep a food/exercise diary. This is how you will be able to know what you are allotted, tracking each item consumed or making sure to complete each lift on your workout regimen. This is so crucial for days like this as you can plan beforehand and see what would be the best option for breakfast or lunch by inputting your “big” meal ahead of time. As well, this helps with portions because you know what you are able to consume to stay within your goal range. This is honestly such a simple step using trackers like MyFitnessPal and the benefits are endless. This app connects with fitness trackers, smart scales, etc. If you think about how much time we spend on our phones, making the choice to take a minute or two to input these items is so minor, and literally creates so much more likelihood for success, it’s incredible!

I say all of that to say, you still have to choose if you will be successful in your health goals from a lifting standpoint, nutrition standpoint, or both. No matter the goal, you. have. to. choose! No one can do the actions for you, make the hard decisions of not eating the convenient food but the one that gets you to your goals, or going to the gym when you're tired! That is all you, but you’re not alone! We, at PURE GOLD, are here for you. You just have to follow the steps outlined in order to be successful. Don't be lazy this holiday season, choose to make the important choices that truly make a difference in meeting the goals you so desperately want!


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