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Hustle and Heart (Lower Body)


10 high knees

10 butt kicks

10 high knees

10 butt kicks

10 high knees

10 butt kicks

20 forward walking lunges

20 reverse walking lunges

10 lateral duck walks (right)

10 lateral duck walks (left)


10 barbell squat

10 lateral duck walk each left (banded for increased resistance)

10 lateral duck walk each right (banded for increased resistance)

20 forward barbell walking lunges (remove bar for lighter load)

10 box jumps (for lighter load do jump squats)

10 barbell squat

10 lateral duck walk each left (banded for increased resistance)

10 lateral duck walk each right (banded for increased resistance)

20 forward barbell walking lunges (remove bar for lighter load)

10 box jumps (for lighter load do jump squats)

10 barbell squat

10 lateral duck walk each left (banded for increased resistance)

10 lateral duck walk each right (banded for increased resistance)

20 forward barbell walking lunges (remove bar for lighter load)

10 box jumps (for lighter load do jump squats)

10 barbell squat

10 lateral duck walk each left (banded for increased resistance)

10 lateral duck walk each right (banded for increased resistance)

20 forward barbell walking lunges (remove bar for lighter load)

10 box jumps (for lighter load do jump squats)


2 50 meter hill sprints

20 russian twists

2 50 meter hill sprints

20 russian twists



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