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I was Meant for This

What are some things in your life that you are passionate about? I’ll tell you one thing, my heart is deeply rooted in the aspects of health. Whether it be nutrition, exercise, or even healthcare I connect with each of those topics on some level. I personally believe that God instills in each of us, unique characteristics that drive the desires and interests we have.

Why do you think that is? Like why would the Lord want each of us to have these different passions? I truly believe He created us to have our own perspectives, mindsets, and opinions because it helps us learn and grow from each other. If we were all the same this life would be so boring. So if we were created to be different, don’t you think we should appreciate those opposite or alternate characteristics others possess? We aren’t supposed to all think and view things exactly the same way. This allows us to sharpen and expand the way we look at this life and the things that it encompasses.

So, with that being said, YOU were made for this day, time, and/circumstance. Why? Because your input or outlook, someone might need or vice versa. But the quality we ALL must posses is patience. Patience to let others talk, have their own free will, and the ability to be ok if others don’t view a topic or scenario the same way we do. That’s ok! And that is how things are supposed to be. I feel we have strayed from this free will concept quite a bit to where everyone must view things the way one does or else it’s just horrible and one can’t be friends anymore. Or whatever the case might be but this anger or discontentment people have when someone has a different opinion is just not ok. We are not all meant to look the same so why would the thought be that we should all think the same?

With all of this being said, embrace your unique mindset and share it with others because you were created for this moment and for a purpose. Use your gifts and passions to help those around you. And lastly don’t be afraid to learn from the people God has placed in your life. We all have room to grow and may we all bloom where we are planted!


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