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Ignition (Core)


20 Russian Twists (5-10 pound medicine ball)

30 Sec. Banana Hold

15 Oblique Crunches (right side)

15 Oblique Crunches (left side)

30 Sec. Superman Hold

20 Russian Twists (5-10 pound medicine ball)

30 Sec. Banana Hold

15 Oblique Crunches (right side)

15 Oblique Crunches (left side)

30 Sec. Superman Hold

20 Russian Twists (5-10 pound medicine ball)

30 Sec. Banana Hold

15 Oblique Crunches (right side)

15 Oblique Crunches (left side)

30 Sec. Superman Hold


30 Sec. Plank

5 (Each Side) Garhammer Twists*

10 Straight Leg Toe Touches 10 (Each Side) Alternating V Ups

30 Sec. Plank

5 (Each Side) Garhammer Twists*

10 Straight Leg Toe Touches 10 (Each Side) Alternating V Ups

30 Sec. Plank

5 (Each Side) Garhammer Twists*

10 Straight Leg Toe Touches (legs at 90 degrees) 10 (Each Side) Alternating V Ups


30 Mountain Climbers

20 Incline Sit Ups (on incline bench)

30 Mountain Climbers

20 Incline Sit Ups (on incline bench)


*Garhammer Twists- lying flat on the floor, hands beneath butt, straighten legs out in front and raise to 90 degrees. then lift butt off the ground so legs and abs make a straight line to the ceiling and twist hips left or right while straightening. Finish the movement by lowering butt back to ground having legs at 90 degrees and then lowering legs back to the ground still straight out in front of you. You should finish the first repetition by being flat on the ground.


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