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Lift Off (Upper Body)

50 Jumping Jacks

10 TRX Curls (stand with feet closer wall to create higher difficulty as body will be more horizontal)

10 Shoulder Press (5-10 pounds)

10 TRX Rows (stand with feet closer wall to create higher difficulty as body will be more horizontal)

10 Tricep Dips on Bench (legs at a right angle for a lighter load, or legs out leaning on heals for heavier load)

10 TRX Push Ups (stand with feet closer wall to create higher difficulty as body will be more horizontal)

50 Jumping Jacks

10 TRX Curls (stand with feet closer wall to create higher difficulty as body will be more horizontal)

10 Shoulder Press (5-15 pounds)

10 TRX Rows (stand with feet closer wall to create higher difficulty as body will be more horizontal)

10 Tricep Dips on Bench (legs at a right angle for a lighter load, or legs out leaning on heals for heavier load)

10 TRX Push Ups (stand with feet closer wall to create higher difficulty as body will be more horizontal)

50 Jumping Jacks

10 TRX Curls (stand with feet closer wall to create higher difficulty as body will be more horizontal)

10 Shoulder Press (5-15 pounds)

10 TRX Rows (stand with feet closer wall to create higher difficulty as body will be more horizontal)

10 Tricep Dips on Bench (legs at a right angle for a lighter load, or legs out leaning on heals for heavier load)

10 TRX Push Ups (stand with feet closer wall to create higher difficulty as body will be more horizontal)

50 Jumping Jacks


20 Lying Garhammer Raise

10 Box Jumps

20 Lying Garhammer Raise

10 Box Jumps



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