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Monday Mayhem

How to avoid the chaos that is Monday? Let’s take it one bite at a time and jump into a few different aspects. Having a different perspective on just a few things will turn your Monday blues into a Monday glow like no other day of the week!

  1. Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. This is a concept PURE GOLD lives by. If one does not game plan for the week, Mondays feel hectic, out of control, and like your goals are dwindling by the second. Take time to plan for your Monday. No matter if it is Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, taking the time to plan, what time of day you will workout or what meals you will have when, will truly set your week up for success or failure.

  2. The classic solution, MEAL PREP! This is a term thrown around like it’s confetti. Some people even meal prep and don’t even know why. Meal prepping helps eliminate the qualities that make for a hectic Monday by creating confidence in knowing you will succeed in your goals from a nutrition aspect. It eliminates question, concern, and time constraints.

  3. Address challenges and begin forming a solution. This is something people oftentimes think “I will figure it out when the time comes.” This perspective is not eliminating failure but causing it. Consulting your PURE GOLD Mentor about what is on the agenda and game planning how to navigate, precisely, through these events, travels, meals, etc that might derail you.

We truly believe these are three of the most important reasons why clients are successful, or not! Hold firm to those goals and don’t let your Mondays prevent success the rest of the week too. Don’t hurt the rest of your week by not addressing your Monday correctly!


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