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New Year, Same You!

Why is it that, with New Year's resolutions, there always has to be a "new you" established? Can one not perfect the same person rather than change into someone new? The trend has been to become a better version of the person you are today, tomorrow. The focus for this year, here at PURE GOLD, is to GROW ourselves to the best that we can be, on the inside and out. This does not mean putting on a mask for all of January and February to then change back into our "old self" when Spring rolls around. Simply refining habits, to create long-term success, versus changing and rewriting our story will create the New Year's resolution we each should strive for. Below are four motivational steps to put those goals into action all year long and years to follow.

  1. Pen & Paper. The digital age has truly overrun the lives of all who exist in this day and time. With that being said, the value behind writing with a pen and paper has dwindled. One of the most inefficient actions for people nowadays is a way to challenge yourself daily by seeing that goal that means so much written out in your handwriting.

  2. Framework. Frame this list of goals in a place that you will see every day, throughout the day. Make it fresh, masculine, dainty, or whatever taste you would like. This will allow for the significance to ring in your thoughts frequently and to create further action every time it is gazed upon.

  3. Daily Action. Hold yourself accountable to take action daily. Making small steps, daily, will allow for the accomplishment of your goals rather than big steps. These big steps often create a "burn-out" effect. Slow and steady wins the race, along with having patience along the way. Persistence is key!

  4. Accountability. Having an accountability partner is truly the key to success with any goal. PURE GOLD can greatly help, as once paired with a mentor, you can contact on a daily or weekly basis which creates accountability to the goals established.

Happy goal-accomplishing this new year as you do not change who you are, but even better, become even more like yourself by achieving PURE GOLD!


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