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Outsmarting Boredom

These days, all are "social distancing" which allows for a lot of extra time and nowhere to go. Extra time to think about the next snack, meal, or what else one could possibly eat because of being locked up inside so much is one of the biggest struggles. These 5 tips will greatly increase the likelihood of maintaining a healthy lifestyle amidst the abnormal circumstances faced.

  1. Plan meals and snacks, for the day, in the morning. This allows for freedom in planning, but structure by not reaching for something extra throughout the day. Lock in your meals and snacks to your food diary, and stick with it.

  2. Don't stay glued to the chair. Get up and walk around. This gets the mind thinking clearer on the task at hand, even if it is just walking around the home office. Sedentary behavior increases chronic health risks. That is why the reduction of a sedentary lifestyle is very important as one may not have been used to this structure a few weeks ago. As well, it works to keep the mind busy and not thinking of the next snack or desiring to munch on something out of boredom.

  3. Drink water. This highly communicated recommendation is still not utilized as it should be. The purpose is, yes, to keep the body hydrated. But what most do not realize is that if one is dehydrated, the body may feel hungry. Drinking water is one way to stay fuller longer, and avoid endless snacking. If one struggles with drinking plain water, one may choose to add fresh fruit to your ice water or using seltzer water that has no sugar or artificial sweeteners added. Hint is a great choice as this brand has carbonated, noncarbonated, and caffeinated options all with zero calories and natural flavorings.

  4. Add in exercise. Making sure to complete a HIIT circuit or daily run is truly medicine to the body. There is a lot of uncertainty and irregularity in current times and with that creates stress. The BEST stress relief that a lot of individuals do not use is exercise. It is not just moving during the day, but setting aside time to sweat. Even as a family, creating that habit together is a beautiful thing to have fun with.

  5. Get fresh air. The body needs fresh air as it is pure, unlike recycled air in the house. Taking a family walk after dinner is a great way to get everyone moving. Getting outside in the yard to complete your bodyweight circuit or sitting outside on your patio during your conference call all help the body to breathe.

Please reach out with any questions. As there is a lot of uncertainty in our nation, PURE GOLD would love to be an encouragement in creating certainty in your health.


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