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Seasoned with Salt

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." Colossians 4:6

What a beautiful example of what should each and every conversation in one's daily life should look like. Communication, coated in thought before words are spoken, simmered actions before assumptions are released, and infused with the heart of uplifting. This is what the world needs now, during this trying time, versus any panic, anger, hatred, etc. that often rises up from within.

Stay focused on the goal at hand, and truly brighten the lives of those around by choosing to enhance one's own health from within. This choice of health radiates outward to create these actions of encouragement. Season the world around you and let your flavor of health inspire someone in your life today! PURE GOLD is more than happy to light the way in your health goals and would love to support you!


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