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The Battle of Food Temptations

Are food temptations normal? What about not being able to be around food or have certain food in the house because you will eat it? Should food have this stronghold on you? From a worldly or earthly perspective yes, these things may seem completely normal since everyone in society is talking about how to overcome them. But from a spritual perspective, these types of things are not normal or things that should be controlling areas of your life, let alone controlling your health!

God desires for His children to rest in Him alone. If you begin to take things into your own hands, you might not even recognize that that is the path you are taking at first. In all areas of life, as you stroll down this path away from the protection of your Almighty God, you will find things are rocky, steep, and not easy to manage. That might be the time when you realize there is a problem. Weight loss, health, nutrition, fitness, etc. all have a way of either making or breaking a person. Why is that? Because people find themselves on the latest and greatest new fad diet? Maybe it is because there is a new exercise trend that your friend was successful with? Or maybe, just maybe, it is because none of those choices or "plans" have had a long term, sustainable lifestyle focus. These are all ways that one can try to be successful on their own without God's help or strength. Our Lord cares about the things that matter to us! He desires to carry us through the hard times of life just as much as He wants to walk with you in the good times. But in order for Him to help us in these areas we have to relinquish control over to Him. It is by His strength, and His strength alone that we overcome or get through anything in life. Our wellness journey is a walk, hand in hand, with the Lord. At times we may grow weary and He will have to carry us through a valley, but that is what He desires to do for us if we will allow Him.

“I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee." Psalm‬ ‭91‬:‭2‬-‭4‬, ‭7‬ ‭

Thousands around you (as the verse says) may be struggling with the same weight loss battle you are, and you may feel like this is the thousandth time you've been in this position on your weightloss journey. This just means that God has not been able to fight the battle before you. Let go of that stronghold, and let the Lord have the victory of this area of your life. Nutrition and food are areas of spiritual warfare that the devil uses to tempt Christians. And how we see the victory is by dialling 911, Psalm 91:1. Let our Savior come to your rescue once again, in this aspect of life. He desires to meet your needs and see that smile on your face about your health or weight loss goals being met, once and for all! Taking this step in your health is the foundational piece to success in weight loss and on the road to overall health! Dial that 911 number and let God carry you through this journey sooner than later and it might just take you to places you have only dreamed of in your health before.


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