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Unnecessary Extras

When meal planning for the week or throwing a quick weeknight dinner together, there are ways to subtract unnecessary extras, calorically. From a health standpoint, sugar and salt are the minor concern of things that are included in most sauces and frozen dinners compared to the other ingredients that are extremely dangerous for the long haul. For instance, quinoa is an amazing grain that is also a complete protein. Being a complete protein means that quinoa contains all nine amino acids and is gluten-free. Such a grain is so rare to find that can accommodate many dietary needs or eating styles.

Another strong source of adding flavor to a meal without sacrificing health or calories is through natural spices. One can create almost any flavor desired through a combination of spices on veggies, protein, or even grains. Below are other tips for sauces or additions that are better options instead of the traditional ones sometimes reached for.

When baking, using whole wheat flour or almond flour are great sources of pure ingredients. These types of wholesome ingredients increase the benefits from food versus compromising them for sugary or processed alternatives. Applesauce and pumpkin are two ingredients that can be substituted for oil or eggs when baking and provide added benefits if seeking vegan or lower fat. Lastly, using butter or mayonnaise with olive oil is a wholesome fat that can replace the typically used ofones in these products. Mayonnaise and butter are not recommended on a daily basis for sake of higher fat content and processed qualities, but if the need arises, these are the options to choose.

PURE GOLD has a main priority to help educate the people of this nation into forming more healthy habits. This is done through increasing knowledge of what is being consumed and why one should choose some foods over others. Let us help you learn about your current eating habits and share some better alternatives, if needed!


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