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What Inspired My Journey to Become a Trainer/Health Coach?

After receiving my bachelor's degree in exercise science, I was ready to be the best strength and conditioning coach there was! But as I grew in the role, I began to see that a lot of people were not reaching their goals. These individuals were training hard, with solid programming, and yet not achieving the true definition of lean muscle or a lean physique. I realized that nutrition coaching is, honestly, more important than that of one’s training regime. Now, I know certain avenues of “trainers” or “bodybuilders” might disagree, but the body revolves around fuel, and then the way we expend that fuel is what fine-tunes the result of proper nutritional intake.

I then grew my knowledge on nutrition, energy expenditure, different eating styles, and the correlation between these things that creates fad diets, weight loss programs, and quick fixes. None of which accumulated to health. All of these existed to provide one goal, weight loss. Not a healthy lifestyle. I see social media post after post where top-tier athletes even cut corners to their health. For example, using sugar-free products. Why would someone sacrifice their health to cut a corner, especially when these are public figures that are supposed to be in the “health and wellness” industry? Because there is no knowledge on actual health, all knowledge and actions are based on a goal and how to get there the fastest. These goals should be sought after using healthy nutrition as the foundation. And sadly, this is the common thread in all aspects of our lives, this day and time, shortcuts.

Now, PURE GOLD has come about to change this trend. No more cutting corners, no more fad diets, or quick fixes just learning what is healthy and unhealthy! That’s all, plain and simple. My passion will always be to help those around me to become the healthiest they possibly can be while enjoying this healthy life rooted in the word of God! I hope this resonates with you and thank you for joining in on this journey with me 💕


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