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What is Health, Really?

It is duty of the health-care providers to be aware of the latest evidence-based dietary guidelines and to inform the consumers regarding the potential risks associated with NNS (nonnutritive sweetener) use.

In a world that is fat-free, sugar-free, low carb, how does one even begin to understand what is actually healthy? Also, what is the purpose of having natural foods over processed or modified foods? Let's dig in a little deeper to the truth on these aspects.

Let's take a step back in time to where things were a little more simple. Food is fuel for the body, right? So the body needs a certain amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats throughout the day to sustain muscle mass, not gain fat mass, and give energy to the body to go about the day in a way that one is not tired. Where does food come from? Gardens, farms, fields, or better known as NATURE! So looking back in time, how was food made? Plain and simple, it was used as it was grown. No additives, just simply cooked, diced, boiled, chopped, grilled, etc. Yes, recipes were blended together but nothing was "man-made", "modified", "enriched", or anything remotely close to those types of foods that are around now. What does this mean? When a food is taken from its original form, nutrients are lost. The body then is not able to extract what is needed to operate efficiently if certain nutrients are not being consumed.

This extraction of bountiful nutrients leads to the addition of unnecessary, manmade, or artificial ingredients to replace flavor, accommodate a certain style of eating, or even achieve weight loss. PURE GOLD would like to encourage you in the fact that these modifications are NOT the only way in accomplishing whatever it is in your health that you are trying to. Sticking to pure, natural, and delish foods is truly the key to helping the body and mind thrive. This prevents certain risks that come along with fake or machined ingredients such as cancer, reproductive harm, autoimmune disorders, the overall function of organs and the list truly goes on from there.

Sugar substitutes are one of the biggest fads in this day and time. Some examples are sugar alcohols, Splenda, or Sweet and Low Please don't give in to these trends as using these products have been found to cause cancer, digestion problems, and many more harmful scenarios to the body. If someone is trying to become a healthier human being, why would someone recommend unhealthy products and ingredients? The answer is simple...typically people are impatient and would like a quick solution. The sad truth is that, yes, these fake and harmful alternatives can help one accomplish those goals, but are, at the same time, hurting the body in other ways. The following article shares the concern of qualified researchers on this matter.

Another often frowned upon ingredient is, wheat. This is a whole grain that is truly beneficial to the body. Some may not be able to consume gluten which is included in wheat, but wheat itself is typically never the problem. A "gluten-free" lifestyle can create other malfunctions of organs in the body to where other problems are created! Say what??!!! Let's repeat that one more time, a "gluten-free" lifestyle can create other malfunctions of organs in the body to where other problems are created because of deficiencies. Mind-blowing...YES! That is why at PURE GOLD, we believe in whole health, pure health, and pure education. If one solely relied on the media, magazines, etc. confusion is endless, but that is where proper education comes into play.

The solution is simple, really. Stick with natural, un-modified ingredients as much as possible. Enjoy learning how to make your own pasta sauce, through together wholesome, one-pot meals on weeknights with fresh veggies, organic meats, and natural spices. Let's influence the world by making the world a healthier place, go natural, be healthy!



Sharma, Arun et al. “Artificial sweeteners as a sugar substitute: Are they really safe?.” Indian journal of pharmacology vol. 48,3 (2016): 237-40. doi:10.4103/0253-7613.182888


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